Is that guy singing Lou Brutus or not? The question was posed again by football fans and sports media from coast to coast as legedary Ohio State Buckeyes-loving, University of Michigan-hating punk quartet, Dead Schembechlers, returned to the concert stage after a four year absence.

The concert, at hallowed punk rock venue Ace of Cups on High Street in Columbus OH, was sold out nearly a week ahead of time. The band tore thru a ninety minute set, mixing classics like “Bomb Ann Arbor Now” with new material such as “Brady Hoke is A Big Fat Fuck.”

Check out the band on NBC here. An interview by Nuber on Columbus rock station The Blitz with singer Bo Biafra is here. An article in the Detroit Free Press on Lou, errr, we mean Bo’s bounty for Bucks players to feed Michigan coach Brady Hoke donuts onfield is here.

Thanks to Rob Fortenberry Photography for the images. Hit the band’s site, Facebook and Twitter.



Lou Brutus once again took on the persona of Michigan Wolverine loathing, Ohio State Buckeyes loving rock star Bo Biafra, front man for the notorious Dead Schembechlers.

The group headlined their somewhat annual Hate Michigan Rally at Skully’s Music Diner on High Street in Columbus, OH on Friday November 26th, the night before the rivalry game between the two schools. A sellout crowd of 600+ insane Buckeyes turned out.

Check out these recent articles on the the group in the Detroit Free Press, Columbus Dispatch, Associated Press, The Other Paper, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Cincinatti Enquirer, Pat Forde of ESPN, Columbus Alive and a new one in the Detroit Free Press. See the band’s Bomb Ann Arbor Now video here.

LB is also continuing writing the unauthorized autobiography of the band, Dead Schembechlers: The Rise, Fall & Redemption of the Best Damn Punk Band in the Land. It will delve into Bo Biafra’s life, the history of the group and the true story of The International Wolverine Conspiracy. It will be filled with sex, drugs, rock n roll, violence, insanity and pigskin.

For more on Dead Schembechlers hit their official website, Facebook or Bo Biafra’s Twitter page.

Also, in case you missed Bo/Brutus and the band in HBO’s film “The Rivalry: Michigan versus Ohio State,” be sure to pick up a copy now on DVD.